Zeta-1 Mall - Luxury Apartments - Penthouses & Shops Booking Process
The booking process at Zeta-1 Mall is effortless and absolutely secure for investors. Furthermore, it is designed especially for those who have low investment budgets. In addition, there are a few important things to consider before buying Apartments, Penthouses & Shops in Zeta-1 Mall. A booking for Apartments, Pent houses & Shops requires one to visit our office so that bank account details of the Zeta-1 Mall are provided. Similarly, the Millennium Builders(Pvt) Ltd, opens up the details of prices to the clients. Furthermore, after taking proof of payment from the investor, the form is provided in the applicant’s name. Documents that are required are as follows:
- CNIC copies of the applicant
- Copies of CNIC of next to the kin heir
- Photos in passport size
- A copy of the confirmation fee and the down payment receipt.